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Lesson 1 – You and Your Anxietyy: How to Overcome Your Stuck Points
Anxiety can creep up on you in many ways from physical and behavioral symptoms that are obvious to subtler symptoms that mess with your emotional and cognitive state of being. Yet, each time, it can leave behind a somewhat similar and familiar feeling – the feeling of being a little more lost, battered, and alone.
No anxious person has the same set of symptoms, which is why each person’s anxiety is unique and therefore their individual journey. That said, most people have some of each type of the symptoms, only in different combinations, which makes understanding how it works ok more appreciable. This lesson focuses on personality concepts that will help you understand how your anxiety works.
The Multifaceted You
Now, you cannot understand the average anxious person to understand your anxiety. You don’t need to either. You need to understand the many dimensions within which you and your anxiety exist. Once you start identifying these dimensions which are mostly characterized by triggers and symptoms, you’ll be able to work around them, and in time, overcome them too.